Writing in the holidays

Well the October half term is coming to an end and the shops are getting out their Christmas themed products and it can be tricky to plan your writing over the Christmas period, especially if you have friends and family visiting, writing Christmas Cards along with gift shopping. 

I like a quiet Christmas and just sleep in, watching some TV, go for a walk and will be writing on Christmas day and as soon as Halloween hits and Fireworks night goes I begin to plan. 

So I get things done by using google calendar to workout of the blocks of time I have and this morning did a bit of writing and during the half term whilst my son was at his holiday club and was trying to finish a first draft of a book which is part of a series, but was forcing myself rather than relax and plot and go through my notes and would like to spend time plotting and brainstorming and have begun to read another novel I have written and move this along to complete.

I also will be making sure that I add in fun time with my son Henry and mark the days where it won't be possible to write, like Boxing Day as this is when I spend the day with my mum, step dad and my brothers family and so will use the days where I will have free space and use the mornings like I have been doing to do some and not fall behind. If you are a night owl then in the evenings once everyone is in bed and chilling. 

It also good to not work on a book for too long. I like to take breaks and Christmas and other holidays can help with this and I don't like to be on my laptop for too long so it is important that I have chill out time watching TV or a film and doing sprints that are no longer then 30 minutes as I tried 45 minutes but was too long for me so will help me to do in chunks and break the writing on my books small and enjoy it and not treat it's like a chore. 

As soon you feel like that, stop and move on. Then when you feel right, I want to work on that book the open it up and begin again and having a break over Christmas may suit you and help not getting bored with it and I will just write sometimes and get my energy of writing a book boosted to carry on and so plan and remove the pressure and do what suits you and not feel bad in doing so. We all need a break. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 


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