Getting in the mood to write

Today after not working on it for a while came started continue writing my second book of a series I am creating, (Mum&Me) and it was while I was watching a travel vlog that gave me the idea to continue writing the story. 

Today outside Pauls in Wimbledon with current book I am reading

It is so surprising how ideas are formed and when you aren't thinking about it, it comes.

I like to change my environment and work in a coffee shop, brainstorming and visioning the scenes, the dialog and if I feel good about it. 

Is the book going as you want it to? 

I am writing a book called Behind the Eyes of the Other Woman and it started off good, but not gone the way I wanted it to, but going to break it up and add bits and just get the idea out on the page and print off and rather than typing up I am going to write the entire first draft in ink.

To also get in the mood of writing is by watching Writing vlogs and listen to writers who have made success and learn tips from them, read other author's books and set myself goals and targets that I know is possible for me to do, and it is a personal thing writing and sharing stories and fun. If it becomes a chore then it may mean you need a break and spend time away just writing using pen and paper and just do an outline as you write and some do it before and what you enjoy writing about. 

Then there is what time to write? 

It is when you feel energized and for me it when I have an open window of time and if my son is on school holidays and back at school. I was doing some in the mornings whilst my son was a sleep, but in the school holidays this is tough to do some when he is at holiday club, when his dad is holiday and when my son is back at school, so will be in the mornings again. 

Exercise helps too, because it can help boost up your energy and I like to have a drink nearby, like a cup of tea, coffee and will drink fizzy drinks, but cutting back and drink more water. 

Everywhere I walk I come up with ideas and experiences I have had to put in a book, example A Lonely Walk to Happiness was written after watching a UK TV programme, Waterloo Road and it is about a girl named Claire, who is bullied online by who she thought was her bestfriend and had an eating disorder and hides herself away. 

I have had an eating disorder and battled with food a lot and weight gain and wanted to write this fictional story to talk about it, mine wasn't as bad as Claires, the main character of this book I wrote, but how serious it can get and she gets the opportunity to got to University in Plymouth and hopes this will be a good change for her. 

I came up with my recent book, Mum&Me because of my relationship with my mum, and of my nan who loved buying from TV shopping channels and is a comedy, as thinking about it and writing I thoroughly enjoyed, and is going to be a series, and I love comical books. My favourite this year was, Away with the Penguins, is about a oldish lady who wants to to Antarctica to see the penguins and finds out that she has a Grandson she didn't know about and tells him, so he travels out there too, and I am not sure if it was written to be funny, but it was such a fun book and how no matter what ever age you are, you can still conquer your dreams.  

That is another thing for me when it comes to books, that it has a message in it, even if it is fictional. 

When I wrote my first parenting book I wanted to laugh about it, because you don't what life it like as a parent until your child is born and it was traumatic in the end. i then wrote my second one, as there is a lot of things that noone tells you about parenting, like feeding and reading a book at the same time can be tricky, changing nappies and going on holiday. It became a mission and wanted to write how much of a culture shock it can be and you think its going to be natural but, hand no heart. IT WAS NOT! Check them them out:

Set up a writing area, if possible in the home, like in the garden when the weather is okay with a take away coffee or whatever drink, in the evenings with a glass of wine, making sure you don't go over the top and safe amount, or in the mornings before the rest of the house wakes up. 

It is all about feeling good when you write and having home comforts and enjoying the experience of writing and where you feel inspired to write. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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