Writing in the summer school holidays

When it comes to children they become the priority especially when if they are in school are full of energy and have 6 weeks off, so how can you fit in some writing? 

Yes you can plan ahead, but life as a mum can be unpredictable and so it is more prepping.
So go through your schedule and mark out the blocks of time that you have free and if a friend or family can help you, take them up on it. Of course we don't all have that luxury, so just when you have a spare time and have a notepad near by you to help with writing and print off your manuscript, if it makes it easier, in fact Dawn French writes with pen and paper still.

There are holiday clubs, and the one my son goes to have been a godsend. They are called Youngstars and have catered to my son who has ADHD and development delay so it has been brilliant and they do offer early bird discounts, and just to say, I am not sponsored but Henry loves going. 

I negotiate with my husband and when he can look after Henry so I get some writing done. I am getting up early to edit a book I am trying to finish and use Saturday mornings to write another book idea I have, and spend time to write notes that come into my mind, and sometimes going out can help with ideas and I like writing in the coffee shop and not staying within 4 walls all of the time. 

Have a writing sprint sessions, and taken part on the ones on Youtube they are every first Saturday of the month and have your children watch a film or favourite TV to have ten minutes in the morning, afternoon or evening. 

When it comes to words I don't write this way much and like to just get the first draft done and keep notes and go through the characters and who is who and will spend time when not able to write to make these notes and plotting is a great tool, because for me it helps expand my writing. 

Also get your friends and family involved. I watch videos by a lady called Real Talk Kim and have had her mother edit for her and I have used my mum too and it like want my spelling checked and check that I have used the right words. 

Use when kids are at school to write during the school term to be ready for the school holidays and that is prepping and have a room and put up a sign to DO NOT DISTURB. 

It is tricky but doesn't mean it isn't possible.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 


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