Getting into the right mindset to write

To write is easy but it also challenging. You want to capture people with your book but with kids and life experiences it can make us leave it for another day. When I write I will watch writing videos and do sprints, with other writers on Youtube and think about why I love to write and why I love books and developing stories. 

I like to read different genres from crime to chick flick, like Bridget Jones and currently reading a book called The Luckiest Girl Alive and I like to write thrillers/serious books to comedy but I write under two names to help separate them out and I will get myself a drink, like a cup of tea or coffee, may be a biscuit, listen to some music and then have my notebooks where I have written about the characters in the books I write and begin. 

I am now on the sofa in the living room with a blanket and watching a bit of Youtube whilst my son is playing football, because his school has an inset day and thought I'd use the time to write this blog and then later see if I can write more of one of my books I am working on. 

Having a good set up is key for me to get writing and also spending time plotting and visualising story, to brainstorm ideas and surprising myself of the book and allow my fingers do the talking. If you like to write a book by hand that is also good and how as a child would create stories. They were never published but were for my own enjoyment.

Make it enjoyable and not a chore as this can affect, on experience concentration and take breaks and when I know I won't get interrupted. There are a lot of writers that like to do it in the morning. I remember Jane Moore and Janet Street Porter saying., on the show Loose woman that they love writing in the mornings and yes I do too, along with reading and having a good breakfast. 

Find the time to write that works for you and getting into a routine, like making the bed, writing in different places, like I will once week go to the coffee shop to write notes and plot, blog ideas and videos for my Youtube channels Typical London Gal, Financial Living and Carrie Educational Youtube Channel. Focusing on different things and going out walking always helps me to develop ideas and make sure I end the day on my laptop to make sure I get good sleep help me get more writing done.

So find a good spot and places, watch writing vlogs on youtube and do some sprints, with a drink, notebook, laptop and away you go. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 


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