Getting ready to write in 2024

So it is time to plan my writing and my aim is to complete another book to publish, and then start on another set of books. I have so many ideas, that it is hard to know where to start. I write comedy and serious style books, based on real issues. Check out my books on amazon, under the name Carrie Challoner and Carrie Holmes, along with nonfiction, talking about being a parent and work issues. 

Lonely walk to happiness:

The Parenting Adventures: 

Pregnancy to first nine months:

Baby to Toddler years:

Being Bullied in a work place:


So I will be making plans, and organize my writing, and which ones I want to get done first and create a 5 year writing plan, and already set goals, to get my next book done, called When Mothers Are Real. 

I am going to set up a diary dedicated to it and plan to get this book completed, to then set up a plan to write a Christmas book, finally, along with other projects.

If you'd like to send me details of your book then please do, by leaving a comment below.

Once I have set it up, I will write more about it. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie x 


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