Write or no to write that is the question

It is up to you whether you want to write or not, some people don't and that is okay, but if you do but you find it hard to fit it in, then start to spend some time going through your diary and set a timer to write 10 mins once a day, and before you know it, you have written a lot of words, and creating it into a daily habit.

Some people find it easy to do some writing in the morning, I like to do mine mainly in the afternoon or evening, and I will listen to music or a podcast, and get into the zone, and forget what is around me. 

I find following the sprints by fellow authors on Youtube on Double Down Day, really resouceful and helpful. 

I am now on my fourth edit and feel my book is really coming together and really wanted to complete the book and make it into a book you can't put down. I love thrillers, comedy and crime, with history included, along with self help books and managing life, type books. I am currently listening on Audible Atomic Habits, and reading book called A Way with the Penguins.

On the fourth edit I will start to downsize my book by getting rid of repitive paragraphs, if the book is believable and in the era it is written in. My current books Mum&Me and my new book, When Mothers Are Real, are set around the Pandemic, and make notes as I go through and spend some time, doing character referencing and the connection between each character. Get to know them and picture them. Their height, weight, hair colour and how they stand, and what is going on in their heads, and take time to read stories aswell as write. I find going for a walk helps too and writing in a coffee shop and talking about to others, and just writing in front of a laptop can make the mind go blank, so get in touch with the world and research. 

Spend time to get ready each day and use writing as your me time, and if you are getting bored with a story, then stop and if it still feels like hard work and makes you avoid it, then go through other ideas and write what excites you, and spend time planning scenes and outlining, the story.

I find that when I work on a book, other ideas come into my head, and so come up with different ideas and jot them down, and I use OneNote, Word and Excel to go through the book and now I work page to page. This has really helped me, rather than edit from Chapter to Chapter.

I would like a professional editor, so going to look into that, and want to do another writing course to help me too, to keep to date with language and text, and I feel as humans the more we learn the more we can get in touch with life, and there is always room for improvement and progression. Its all about trial and error, until you get confident with writing and sharing you stories to become books, and the BBC have courses, which I want to do, so just write and hope this blogs helps you, and if you have written books and have tips, then share. You can leave it in the comment box below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie  x



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