Writing in the Autumn

It is a busy time of year for me and so getting writing done can be challenging, because of being a mum aswell as a writer, because there are birthdays, important dates for Henry's school and then there is Christmas, and I hate shopping during the festive season, as the shops can get mobbed and I avoid Black Friday altogether, so plan ahead. 

I have done a plan as I am editing my new book I am planning on publishing this year, but it is a long process, because attention to detail, making sure that the story comes together and it matches up, and is a good read.

Also because it can start to get chilly I have to make sure that the rooms I use to write, are a good temperature because if not I find it hard to write and concentrate. I make sure I have a drink and that my stomach isn't empty, and I find in the Autumn I start to get extra hungry. 

I also like to be in comfortable warm and in cosy clothes and wrapped up and have good lighting. In Autumn I like to go for walks, wrapped up and take my time. If I can prevent rushing around then I do. I like to treat myself to a hot chocolate and great way to unwind after writing, and the one thing I like doing at the moment and going to do in Autumn on my book, is do some writing sprints, check out Youtube. 

I like also in Autumn specifically reading, and love to read and helps stimulate the brain and like to read a variety of books and helps me with my writing and like to have music playing in the background and listen to music like Enya and just get stuck in. 

Happy writing everyone and lets work together and write and enjoy the process of doing so.

Please check out my new book I wrote last year called Mum&Me available from Amazon. 


Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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