When life takes over

I am writing my next book, and I really have to schedule this time to make sure I spend time with my son and do other tasks, like doing my laundry, going through emails and travelling. 

What I have found to be helpful is to do sprints of writing even if it is ten minutes and by doing this I completed my first draft and now editing to do draft two and then will edit it again. 

Planning helps and setting goals, I plan weekly and setting goals quarterly and monthly and now I have gotten my first draft done I am going to set further goals to get the book ready for publishing, as I really want to write a Christmas book this year and republish one of my EBooks once this has been rewritten. 

Have time off. My weekends are with my son, and we go for walks, play games, sports and travelling and just getting a good amount of fresh air and will work on my book, some times on a Sunday, but is my day where I will plan and get ready for another weekend ahead. 

So often I will begin again on Monday up until Friday. Today I watched a video by Sarra Cannon on her channel Heartbreathings, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPN4wFApAhI where plans her writing for the summer, and I am going to do the same once I have booked sorted out when my son will be going to the holiday club he goes to sometimes in the holidays, and when his dad can be off and sharing some of the holidays with him to do some fun stuff together and love these times. 

Me and my husband will be taking Henry to the south coast to see some friends and will probably if he dad can take time off, do some things together and if the trains are operating and the weather is okay take him on some train rides. 

Then there is eating and hydrating. Very important and when it is too hot I will do it in small doses, and will find somewhere in the shade to write outdoors and I still write on paper, to plan my book and plotting. The first draft doesn't mean it is complete but the base of the story is down. I make sure I have a drink to hand, to keep hydrated.

I call my first draft, "The skeleton draft" and I find plotting and writing notes helps to continue putting my books together. 

If you'd like to read my books then you can find them on Amazon.co.uk under the names, Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes, and I have EBooks and a few of my books in Paperback. 

So I will bid you goodnight and have a great week ahead.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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