Getting in the mood to write
Being a mum you never know what the week will bring, and so finding time to write can often be tricky. I use the mornings and evenings, because I don't want to be taking my laptop over to where my son lives because I don't like to carry too much.
I schedule and before I begin play some music and watch Youtube on writing and so setting the scene is the first tip I'd give.
With writing I will get spontaneous moments to write and vision myself doing so and develop a story gives me such a buzz and it is like a jigsaw to me and so when I get the urge to write I will make sure I jot it down in that moment and as I go through the story I will use file cards or write it down, and plot and think of different ideas.
Deciding on a time to write can be a challenge, and so planning the week and time can make a difference, and so go through your schedule and use it as me time, and doing sprints like ten minutes a good way to get into the mood and challenge yourself of how much you can write within that time.
I work on one chapter at a time and because it is has been a bit of a gap between writing my next book been reading through to the remember how far the story has got, and this has helped me to plot more, and go through any changes that need to be made.
To write I like to have a drink near by and have music playing in the background and in the warmth, I find it hard to write anything when I am cold,
So set the scene and why not light up some scented candles and get writing. Just make sure it is safely lit otherwise the day may not go to plan.
Many thanks for reading,
Carrie X
Typical London Gal
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