Planning my time to get my writing done

Being a mum life can take over but I do try and write everyday, and this last few months is to have things completed before I start to do anything else. 

I know I have to get things done today, but find it hard to get out of bed, so as soon as I get up out of bed and have to have my cup of tea and breakfast before I begin my day. 

It is good to have a good routine when it comes to writing and even if it is for ten minutes, it still get it done and not avoiding other tasks like housework, but adding it in to a daily routine. 

I am at the moment procrastinating because I have gift guides I want to film but because of the having appointments I have had to delay these and I need to decorate a bit behind me and decide where and how I am going to film them. 

What I did today was write a script for them only to make sure I share everything I want and not go off track which I have realise I do a lot, so more or less prepping a bit better and following Mel Robbins who's videos and podcasts I listen to a lot of about how to follow your dreams and that is not having tones of things to do, but cut it down by choosing 5 things I want to achieve that day, and when it has been so helpful. When I don't is when I feel muddled and bogged down, so breaking my tasks that will lead me, hopefully to my dreams I have and get those I have chosen on that day done. 

I tend to write in the mornings and then finish off in the evenings. 

Find a routine that works for you even if it is mixed each week, it doesn't matter that its not the same time everyday as that is difficult if you have other responsibilities, so don't feel like you have to write every morning. When my son is off from school, for the holidays then I leave my writing to the evening and then change it when he is back at school. 

Be flexible, and really map out your plan for the week. I don't plan monthly with my writing but weekly and go through what I really can get done and what time I have. 

Find your path and find your writing style, it is all about quality rather than quantity and take your time. 

One big lesson I have had to learn myself and be truthful of what I can do and what I can't. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 

Typical London Gal 



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