Managing my writing during Christmas

I will often take time out and I did try Blogmas one year but it was too much in the end, so this year I am going to be writing but as we lead to the festive day of cheer be doing little amounts of writing, and still get my blogs, videos filmed and writing of my books. 

This year I decided to take it slow this year and going to put together a writing plan for over Christmas as I will be spending it with my son as his dad is working through it but hope that Henry can still spend time with his dad if not on the day but afterwards. it means juggling and getting a balance to my responsibilities. This is what Christmas means, catching up  with family. I know with the new COVID news it may not be possible to see all my family but find a way to still keep in contact. 

Spending time with my son is precious and want to give him everlasting memeries and it means putting my writing on hold and getting my priorities right and making sure we get a lot of time together even if it is short some days and establishing a good routine still.

Christmas is a lot to plan for and a very busy time of the year, and so it is getting the balance right. 

When it comes to writing I do it into sprints and got the inspiration to do that via watching Youtube and NANNORIMO, which I wanted to take part in, but aa I was already writing a book and was in the middle of writing I didn't but gave me inspiration to do sprints and has been really good in doing it this way. 

Christmas is always busy and so scheduling and adapting around hurdles like spending time entertaining my son through the holidays.

Prioritising and even if it is for 10 minutes something is better than nothing. I find for me that it has to be when I am not feeling super tired as that is when my writing can be effected so when planning my writing it has to be adaptable to my present living. 

I find that when I give myself leeway to take my time and not worry about finishing projects because I know I will.

For me writing is about taking your time and building a world that is different by living presently aswell as planning for the future. 

Some writers stop during this time of year and I used to do aswell and did this two years ago but now made it easy for myself and I still get jobs completed even it is not by the deadline. 

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X 



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