How I plan my days leading up to Christmas as a writer

So, I feel a bit like "Hang on" is it really coming to that season again? And wish I had a lullipop stick and be a lollipop lady or a man, to says STOP, it driving to fast, and I trying to catch up.

I do love Christmas again, but this time of year I start to plan for next year and skip Christmas, but I can't ignore it as I do have gifts to buy and then there is Christmas Cards, and when it comes to those, I am useless, I never get my Christmas cards out on time. 

I am not sure I will be sending Christmas cards this year, so thinking of doing something different, and send a box with a label saying Merry Christmas and put in some chocolates.

I do have a set of self built boxes so gonna pick some up and be good to use these and still send a Christmas message.

As a writer I do schedule my writing and use the build up to inspire me, and give me ideas of content and do set myself goals for Christmas like next year, I want to have a book telling a Christmas story.

I set time to do my gift guides for my Youtube channel for Christmas and still have time to write content and work on current books.

I love to see a Pantomime and I am off to see a show soon at the end of the month, and start planning my exercise as I will go on a walk on Christmas day and Boxing day, to continue to the following year. 

With COVID I try to ordering gifts online rather than in stores as I like original stuff you can get online compared to in stores. 

So it is a busy time, but I get through it and enjoy it as much as possbile. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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