Finding the next idea to write and handling busy days

Hello and welcome! This blog is about Finding the next idea to write and handling busy days.

So I got this idea just as came home from being at my son's home to wait for him to come home from school and it is a lot of travelling but I take a book with me to read, a few notebooks for writing on the go, and have two small ones in my shoulder bag and a bigger one in my tote bag. 

I look around me and think can I write a blog about this? and often it is trying different ideas but not write for the sake of it, but because you feel that your audience may want to know what is going on in your life if they have experienced the same. 

If you want to write a book rather than a blog I would have a blog just to share your book onto and if self publishing use easy affordable platforms such as Amazon. When it comes to EBooks it is free but with paper you do have to pay a printing cost but is no more than £2, and blogging can help form the book idea. 

Lots of TV personalities like Vern Cotton have books and is another way to share who they are and reach out to their audience and you can too. 

Reading different books and I do take a book to read out with me and I try to read about 2-5 pictures a day and audible is a great place for books and good ideas. 

Never copy as then it is not your work, but use it to play around with some ideas. I write a an EBook on Brainstorming which is available on Kindle:

Always always brainstorm and get out of the home and notice what is currently around you. Walking and running can really get in touch with your creattivity and when I would walk to work and would take 1-2 hours I would be full by the end of itdeas that I would find trouble finding where to start first.

Watch TV and listening to music. I wrote the book on amazon called, A Lonely walk to happiness  from watching a programme called Waterloo road and a kid tries to commit suicide being bullied online and so you be surprised at the ideas you will have and now your have a mobile I have a list of books and blog ideas stored on my phone and One note programme on my laptop too of ideas.

I will set my time in segments including breaks and having to meet my son going and coming back from school and so which I ever i am doing a schedule it to make sure that I have downtime to a chance to research for ideas and end the day at a resonable time and waking up too. 

If you would like to share ideas you have and any questions use the comment section below. 

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 



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