Rest time/Doing things for yourself and creating books

Being a mum and a writer looking after the home can be stressful and at the moment I don't have to worry about that all of the time as I am back living with my mum again, I do still have to keep areas tidy and now we are in the summer holidays and looking after a soon to be a 8 year old is a job in it self and means that a lot of watching Topsy and Time. Countdown and Tipping point few of his favourite TV shows, you do what you gotta do and rest.

I don't take such times for granted now and use time resting, listening to music, read my book and do what I love writing, I can go into autopilot and so I do have to have time making a coffee, watch some TV if the living room is free, take a shower and just work in my night gear before bedtime. 

It can be all systems go and just taking 10 to 1 hour a day for having a good rest to then do more writing and going outdoors too, to have some fresh air, it is makes days not seem so long and balanced.

My days can be full of to do lists and running errands, and researching but I do get it done. I can be on the phone and thats when my son Henry can be disruptive yet it is important for my son to learn about time keeping and not being so annoying and that Mummy has things that still need to be done whilst I look after him. 

You can underestimate parenthood and with that, is why I write my blogs to relate to people. I want to reach out to other parents to stop worrying about doing every job listed and do what you can and just be present sometimes with the people you love and have boundaries but often if you are chilled so will many others including kids. 

Life can be hectic, yet we get through it and so power to us and doing things just for you is just as important as looking after others. 

I am gonna have my dinner soon and will watch some Youtube videos and some TV whilst I do just that. 

So put your feet up and #enjoylifeasmuchaspossible        

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X 


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