Habits of a writer and how I keep my writing current and evolving

Hello! This blog is about Habits of a writer and how I keep my writing current and evolving. 

New Book Mum&Me my other Paper back version:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096TL8TBR

So, the first Habit: I always have good morning routine, 

                because I find that is when I have lots of ideas, I'm awake and it just sets me up for the day. 

                I will usually work whilst I am having a good breakfast, and the one breakfast I have which is filling, is Porridge, and with that a                 cup of tea.

Then I will have two coffees and then an Iced coffee. 

The second Habit I follow: I get up at a reasonable hour and early

                This has helped me to get in an early morning walk, and helps split the morning up and I get a lot of work done within that time                  frame, and make sure that I close for the day at about 9:30pm to settle to have a goods night rest. 

I will go through blogs that I have started but not yet finished, I will go over my books I am writing and adding more to them, with working on another Online course and check for videos filmed and schedule on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDFIqjVKLy7NhtcR6Hy0Tg

The third Habit: I plan for the next day at the end of each day, 

                    and this keep track of what I have done that evening, and then the next day go over what needs to be done first thing. 

The Fouth habit: I edit as I go on my books

                    This has saved me a lot of time, as I don't rush a book, but it helps me stay on track with the story and go over what I have                             written already and note down how the stories I am writing evolves and even I don't know what is coming, and a great way to                     write a book.

It helps me keep tabs of my book I and grow with the book and story I am telling. 

The fifth Habit: I spend time doing research and going over my content and notebooks

                     This helps to generate more ideas on content and break it down into different blogs or a videos.

Then the Sixth habit: Read books.

                     Very important as it can help with book ideas of my own and if you don't read other books what makes you think yours will                         be read by other writers. 

The book community is a strong one and it is important to support other authors and writers to help promote yours too. 

So what habits do you do, leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie X



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