Goal setting as a writer/Reaching targets/Find a good work ethic

As a writer it is important to set goals for yourself, it helps keep tabs on your writing and keep the momentum up, that gives you energy to write.Its alright to have writing block at times as it telling you need to come away, take some notes to carry on your writing. Jotting things that spring into your mind and doing other things that gives you the passion to continue is important as a writer.

It is good to set targets for yourself, to help get work finished and edited, to then move onto the next project.

You should always have a functional space to write and if there is a quiet room in your house where you can do writing without being disturbed by anyone. 

I go by page to page when it comes to goal setting, how many pages to write each day. Some writers go on word count, but for me is going from page to page, and chapters. 

With books it is Quality over Quantity and what type of writing you like to do.

If it is a book then it should flow off from the page, and every section you write should be as good from the start to the finish. It has to be story that relative to other people or full of imagination and fantasy. Example the one book I loved to read as a kid was a book called Charlottes Web and it is a talking spider speaking to a talking pig and it was as if, it could be true. Its how you tell the story that counts.

Always keep tabs on your writing targets and what to expect in the next chapter and page.

Having an ultimate goal is vital to writing so you can get it finished and set a deadline to complete it by and see by making notes of how it progresses.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie L.M X 


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