Four ways to make changes to my routine/How to rotate your work/Work Management

Rather than doing the same thing time after time, it is good to mix it up and not make each day repetative because this can stir us in not wanting to do anything, so we have to do stop that.

Write down a daily goal

The one thing out of your to dos, what do you want to accomplish? Write it down, and then workout how you are going to accomplish it. 

Do a step by step break down but just pick that one item for each day.

Work outdoors

I love doing this and so tomorrow I am going to try and finish my book to do a review, and read the magazine I bought, as I don't read them all of time, but now and then. I love having a cup of coffee and read my book. So try get outdoors and work. I am gonna to venture up London again, but once it is certain that we can. 

Take a shower or a bath even to chill and freshen up

So important to freshen up, and because I have a youtube video it helps me to stay freshened and helps kick start my day. I do splurge on shower gels and body sprays, but this is because I do use them and hate running out, but I have enough now that I won't need any until next year.

Break the day into chunks and exercise when you have the most amount of energy

I love staying on track with my exercise and going to walk everyday and do some working out indoors to, and I am going to tomorrow do try and do some out in the garden using my exercise mat and using my wrist weights.

Then read my magazine whilst out and about and read my book I have nearly finished. 

Just make that time count and honestly it helps you have a variety things that you can do.

Many thanks for reading, 

Carrie L.M X 


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