Financing your writing/what to pay for want not to pay for

As a writer you don't need to spend that much when you begin all you want is a good amount of paper either a bulk of printing paper or a good sized notebook. I donlt like to spend the earth when it comes to note paper and pens the cheapest place is Poundland or even Wilkos. What you don't want to do is spend a load of publishing software and realise it isn't for you, I have bought software myself and used it a few times but not a lot and so it was a waste of money in the end. So the material I use is paper and pens and pencils as some writers like Dawn French for example write with pencil and paper still and don't bother with a computer or a laptop. Go through what you want to write. If it is blogs then again find a free platform like Wordpress, Weebly or google blogspot, where you can write a blog for free. When it comes to paying for a domain name try it out by buying the lowest price domain like on Wordpress and then think about upgrading your domain once it takes of...