Writing in the Autumn
It is a busy time of year for me and so getting writing done can be challenging, because of being a mum aswell as a writer, because there are birthdays, important dates for Henry's school and then there is Christmas, and I hate shopping during the festive season, as the shops can get mobbed and I avoid Black Friday altogether, so plan ahead. I have done a plan as I am editing my new book I am planning on publishing this year, but it is a long process, because attention to detail, making sure that the story comes together and it matches up, and is a good read. Also because it can start to get chilly I have to make sure that the rooms I use to write, are a good temperature because if not I find it hard to write and concentrate. I make sure I have a drink and that my stomach isn't empty, and I find in the Autumn I start to get extra hungry. I also like to be in comfortable warm and in cosy clothes and wrapped up and have good lighting. In Autumn I like to go for walks, wrapped ...