Belief in yourself when you've had a bad day and things not going to plan
Hello and welcome! It is great when everything fits into place and you have had less tantrums of your own and your children, if you have kids, and feels good to look at ourselves and say "Today was a blast" yet there are those days when it is not. When things keep on going wrong, which makes your belief in yourself goes down, and our expectation goes up. It can knock your confidence and feel "I am such a stupid person, why didn't I do this or that" but we aren't robots and is real life,. When you have children and they kick off throughout the day, and being caught out in the rain, and wearing the wrong coats or shoes etc and you get and they get soaked, and like today taking my son to Kingston it was chocker and too many people but all was better when we found a place less packed with people and got the train without issues aswell. Yet my son begins to refuse to wear his coat, and has a daily strop, over something like not being able to be nearer to the tr...